
Sage conducts functional behavior assessments and skills assessments to determine appropriate goals and service levels for your child. Assessments are often the first step in acquiring services through a funding source such as regional centers, insurance companies, and school districts.

Activities involved in the assessment process may include:

  • Direct observations of your child in multiple settings (school, home, and/or community)
  • Interviews with parents, guardians, teachers, and other professionals with knowledge of the child’s present levels
  • Review of previous assessments and documents
  • Data collection and analysis via a descriptive analysis, use of a data sheet
  • Video recording of behaviors (with consent) to document behavior topographies and baseline levels
  • Manipulation of variables potentially maintaining problem behaviors (functional analysis)
  • Designing and setting goals
  • Completion of the Child Information Form and Stimulus Preference Inventory
  • Completion of criterion-referenced or standardized assessment tools

Upon completion of the assessment process, Sage Behavior Services will provide you with a comprehensive report detailing recommendations for proactive and reactive strategies in the management of challenging behaviors, recommendations for teaching age-appropriate functional skills, goals for each intervention area, a positive behavior intervention plan, and recommendations for service levels and service settings.